Vagrant. Very rare. Only two records in Japan; 1 bird seen on the Tokyo-Kushiro ferry in the late 1990s, and 1 bird seen off Shiriyazaki, Aomori Pref. May 2020.
Fig. 1. Off Shiriyazaki, Aomori Pref. May 17 2020.
This bird was slightly smaller than the surrounding Short-tailed Shearwaters, had a very slim body shape, a slender bill, and flashes on the underwings are silvery, not white, and not very noticeable. The wind was light and calm condition at the time of the observation. It repeated lighter wingbeats and buoyant glides. It wasn’t a powerful flight.
Fig. 2. Same bird as Fig. 1. Off Shiriyazaki, Aomori Pref. May 17 2020.
Fig. 3. Same bird as Fig. 1. Off Shiriyazaki, Aomori Pref. May 17 2020.
Fig. 4. Same bird as Fig. 1. Off Shiriyazaki, Aomori Pref. May 17 2020.