July 27-29 2018, Tokyo – Chichi-jima (Ogasawara Islands)
We on boarded the Ogasawara-Maru (OgasawaraKaiun Co.).
We departed fromTokyo (Takeshiba Terminal) at 11:00 am July 27. And arrived at Chichi-jima (Ogasawara Islands) at 12:30 am July 28. (arrived one and a half-hours late because of bad sea condition).
We departed from Chichi-jima at 15:30 pm July 28. And arrived at Tokyo (Takeshiba Terminal) at 15:30 pm July 29.
Weather : cloudy-sunny
Temperature : around 32 ℃
Wind speed : >15 m/s
Wave height : 2-4m
Typhoon No.12 had appeared in the south of Japan.
We expected that coming rare seabirds by the typhoon.
The significant result was that Black-winged, Kermadec, White-necked Petrel and White Tern !
And fortunately, we could observe a Swhinoe’s Storm Petrel at close by our ship!!
Bird list
- Black-footed Albatross 1
- Laysan Albatross 3
- Bulwer’s Petrel 385+
- Black-winged Petrel 1
- Bonin Petrel 168+
- Kermadec Petrel 2
- Providence Petrel 2
- White-necked Petrel 6
- Streaked Shearwater <10000
- Wedge-tailed Shearwater <1000
- Bannerman’s Shearwater 3
- Bryan’s Shearwater 1 (I couldn’t see… 🙁
- Wilson’s Storm Petrel 2
- Swhinoe’s Storm Petrel 1
- Storm Petrel sp. 5
- Long-tailed Jaeger 1
- Skua sp. 1
- Brown Booby 70+
- Red-footed Booby 5
- Crested Tern 1
- Sooty Tern 17
- Common Tern 3
- Brown Noddy 20+
- White Tern 5
- Pacific Golden Plover
- Snipe sp.
- Brown-eared Bulbul
- Japanese Bush Warbler
- Japanese White-eye