Aug 23-24, 2019 Aomori—Hokkaido
We onboarded the Silver Ferry (Kawasaki Kinkai Kisen Kaisya,LTD.).
DAY 1 :We departed Aomori (Hachinohe port) at 8:45 am and arrived at Hokkaido (Tomakomai port) at 16:00 pm.
Weather : cloudy
Temperature : around 25℃
Wind speed : around 5~8 m/s
DAY 2 :We departed Hokkaido (Tomakomai port) at 9:30 am and arrived at Aomori (Hachinohe port) at 18:00 pm.
Weather : sunny partly cloudy
Temperature : around 25℃
Wind speed : around 3~5 m/s
There were various species, we were happy!
Bird List
- Black-footed Albatross 25
- Laysan Albatross 18
- Northern Fulmar 6
- Solander’s Petrel 51
- Streaked Shearwater ~1000
- Sooty Shearwater 115
- Flesh-footed Shearwater 4
- Japanese (Bund-rumped) Storm Petrel 1
- Leach’s Storm Petrel 14
- Fork-tailed Storm Petrel 2
- Storm Petrel sp. 2
- Great Cormorant
- Japanese Cormorant
- Whimbrel 150
- Grey-tailed Tattler 3
- Red-necked Phalarope 12
- Red Phalarope 1
- Phalarope sp. 26
- Black-tailed Gull
- Slaty-backed Gull
- Aleutian Tern 3
- Common Tern 5
- Tern sp. 20
- Pomarine Jaeger 8
- Arctic Jaeger 3
- Long-tailed Jaeger 2
- Jaeger sp. 1
- Japanese Murrelet 4